Photo by Bill Knight - Nadine wears a futuristic black satin dress, her black and white houndstooth coat streaming behind her. She wears an enthusiastic facial expression, smiling widely at the viewer.  Her stance leans forwards into a bright future!

Let’s work together

Photo by Bill Knight

Interested in working together? Fill out some info, and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!

Reach your highest height, your personal best!

Nadine smilingly reaches upwards towards her highest heights, smiling broadly. She wears her hair in braids and a purple velvet gown. Photo by Devon Cass

Photo by Devon Cass

Disclaimer - please read.

Disclaimer - I understand and agree that my results in life are up to me and that, by law, my coach cannot guarantee my results in life or business, only my satisfaction. I understand and agree that my coach cannot be held liable under any circumstances for my results or actions. I understand my coach does, however, guarantee my satisfaction with the first session. If I am not satisfied with session one, I can ask to be removed from the process. I also understand I can stop the coaching sessions at any point and I will no longer be required to attend future sessions; however, I know I cannot be reimbursed for previous sessions after the start of the second session.

If you have health concerns, you are recommended to seek advice from an appropriate medical practitioner before making any decisions about your health, and that this information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment.